Learn the Wheel

  • Lesson for One


    2 hours

    This is an immersive wheel throwing class. Students will receive personalized one on one instruction. Think of this class like wheel throwing bootcamp. Students will have an instructor fine tuning each step of the process breaking down the micro movements of wheel throwing such as hand positioning, wheel speed, and pressure. Students will walk away from class with a deep understanding of wheel throwing basics: centering and making a simple form. The skills gathered from this class will launch any aspiring potter to the next level with confidence.

    No experience is needed. Come learn how to throw. .

  • Lesson for Two


    2 hours

    Quality creative time with someone special. This is a great way to spend some creative time with a friend, family member or significant other.

    This is an immersive wheel throwing class. Students will receive personalized one on one instruction. Think of this class like wheel throwing bootcamp. Students will have an instructor fine tuning each step of the process breaking down the micro movements of wheel throwing such as hand positioning, wheel speed and pressure. Students will walk away from class with a deep understanding of wheel throwing basics: centering and making a simple form. The skills gathered from this class will launch any aspiring potter to the next level with confidence.

    No experience is needed. Come learn how to throw. .

  • Try it! One-time Introductory Wheel Throwing Class

    $65 per student

    3 hours

    Ever wanted to try throwing on the wheel? This one-time class is perfect for those who want to give it a spin. In this introductory group class, students will learn the basics of wheel throwing and get to take their first pot home just a few weeks after class.

    In this class students will make 1-2 pots, we trim and glaze them for the students. Student's have 8 glaze options. Student work will be ready for pickup 2-4 weeks after class.

    Class includes all materials, firing and instruction.


Private Hand-building Classes


Jewelry Workshop